black and white bed linen

Imagining Creates Reality



Visualize your ideal life and manifest your dreams effortlessly.


“Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination- not upon facts.”

-Neville Goddard

1. Turn within


It is not necessary to close your eyes but it helps by shutting out the senses and removing attention away from the physical reality of the material world.

You can do this anywhere you are able to relax and turn inwards but it is always good to do this in a relaxed state, especially before falling asleep.


The unconsciousness of sleep is the normal state of the subconscious. Your conception of yourself determines the future state, therefore always feel the wish fulfilled before you drop off to sleep.

2. Feel ‘I AM’


Remove attention away from any current problems and limitations by resting in the feeling of simply being. Focus on the words, I AM, spoken quietly to yourself or within until you feel you are resting in the present moment. Relax into that state of peace.

If your mind struggles against this and keeps moving between different thoughts, patiently guide it back to present moment awareness, as you would patiently guide a young child.

You must learn to separate your identity from being the mind to being the master of the mind.


In this expanded state of consciousness, you will have a sense of the power that lies within you. This is what you must attach your dream to, in order to make it appear and live in your world. All things are possible through this power which is free of all limitations. It is what you need to fully occupy when imagining and feeling yourself to be one with the desired state.

Rest in the power and create from within.

3. Define your desire


Name your aim. Clearly define your desire and then tell yourself with conviction that you are what you want to be using the words, ‘I AM’.

You must know exactly what you want and develop an unshakeable belief in your dream and your ability to succeed.

Now you have taken your attention away from any problems or distractions, completely place your mind on the desired state


What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

- Mark 10:51

‘What do you want of me?’ is the literal and sometimes implied question asked most often by Jesus in the Bible.

Why? Because the first step in building faith is to acknowledge and declare your desire and when you declare it to yourself, you declare it to the power within you.

What you want in life is often easier to answer than, ‘Who do you want to be?’ but the concept you hold of yourself is instrumental in whether you achieve your dream or you do not. To be successful, you have to see yourself as a success. So when you know what you want, imagine how you would feel if you obtained it. What kind of person would you become? What kind of person do you want to be? See yourself through these eyes.

Your consciousness can be likened to the soil and your desire to a seed which contains both the power and the plan of its self-expression.

As you accept your desires, it is like dropping them into fertile soil. Look upon your desires as the spoken words of God, and every word or desire, a promise from the heart.

4. Move from ‘thinking of’ to ‘thinking from’


When you know what you want, you are thinking of it. That is not enough. You must now begin to think FROM it. The spanning of the bridge between ‘desire’- thinking of- and ‘satisfaction’- thinking from- is all-important. You need to move mentally from thinking of the end result, to thinking from the end result.

For example, move from, ‘I want a successful business,’ to ‘I AM a successful businessman/woman’. Feel what that would be like and imagine seeing your world from the new concept.


Reason is restricted to the evidence of the senses, but imagination, is not. Desire exists to be gratified in the activity of imagination where there is freedom from all limitation. You enter into the imaginary world and make it real.

You are moving from desire to living in the desire- living in the feeling that you already have it.

When you can think from the end result, you are able to free yourself from any limitation and move into ever greater and more expansive states. It does not matter what you have been or what you are. All that matters is, ’What do you want?’

The world is a manifestation of the mental activity that goes on within, and by feeling and thinking from your desire, you are manifesting it through the substance of faith.

Put your trust in the feeling of the wish fulfilled and commit yourself to the state.

You can experience what you please once you have faith that all the power you need is within you, and that you are what you are as a result of the state of consciousness from which you think and view the world.

5. Visualize


Mentally construct a scene which implies that your desire is realized and in a relaxed state,

or as you are falling asleep, consciously imagine yourself into the scene.

Make as vivid a representation as possible of what you would see, and what you would touch, and what you would do, if you were physically present and physically moving in such a state.

Begin by asking yourself:

What would I do? What would I say? What would I see? How would I act?

Then in your imagination you will begin to use your senses as though you were actually participating in the scene in reality rather than as an onlooker.

You are the eyes seeing everything unfold around you as in life.

Make it short, make it vivid, colorful and full of joy. Use all the senses. See people you know as being really happy for you, then end on a freeze frame and come back to the senses with the joy and fulfilment that you have achieved your desire. Revisit this scene regularly until it feels you have actually experienced it in life.

Mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action until the single sensation of fulfilment dominates the mind.


The inner and the outer

There are two distinct centers of thought or outlooks on the world which the Bible speaks of as ‘the natural’ and ‘the spiritual’.

But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

-1 Corinthians 2:14

Our inner body is as real as our outer body but the inner expresses a more fundamental part of reality. This existing inner body needs to be consciously exercised and directed. The inner world of thought and feeling to which the inner body responds has a real structure and exists in its own higher space.

There are two kinds of movement; one belonging to the inner body and the other to the outer body.

The movement of the inner body is causal, but the outer movement is under compulsion. The inner movement determines the outer which is joined to it and causes outer actions to develop from these inner actions. Inner movement is the force by which all events all brought to pass. Outer movement is subject to this inner force.

Ask yourself…

How would I see the world if my desire were realized?

Your imagination puts you in touch inwardly with the desired state which if vividly created, will eventually appear in objective reality. When you fall asleep in that state, it is done.

6. Give thanks


When you merge yourself in the feeling of achieving your dream, you should feel a sense of fulfilment and gratitude to the power within you for bringing this into your life.

Thank God with joy that he has given you your heart’s desire. This can be with words or silently, from within.


When you feel the joy of thanksgiving and gratitude for having received what is not yet visible in the world, you have definitely become one in consciousness with the desired state. As the Bible states, God (your awareness) is not mocked. You always receive what you are aware of being and no one gives thanks for something they have not received. Saying, ‘Thank you,’ or even, ’Thank you, Father,’ is not a sort of magical formula. You must rise in consciousness to the point where you feel genuinely grateful and happy for having received the thing desired and you automatically rejoice and give thanks inwardly. You have accepted the gift and your continued faith in its unseen existence will see it manifest in the world.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

-Psalm 100:4

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.

-Galatians 6:7

7. Feed the mind


Speak as though you are already that which you want to be, using I AM. I AM successful, I AM happy, I AM healthy… Feed the mind with the new concept of self until you have the sense that you are already that person who now exists somewhere in the future.


Feed the mind with assertions presumed to be true, because assumptions though false, if persisted in until they have the feeling of reality, will eventually harden into fact. See the world from the view that you have achieved your dream and carry on inner conversations from this premise and the subconscious will eventually express this in waking reality.

8. Live in the end


When you imagine your dream, a particular feeling arises. During the day, carry that feeling around with you as though it were a fragrance you were wearing and believe that your imaginal act is a fact.

You must assume the nature of the thing desired if you would make it appear and live in your world. Do this by feeling the qualities you would possess, if it were true.

The formless being within you will begin to take upon itself the forms of the things felt. If you rest in the stillness of the conviction that you are what you desire to be, these qualities will, at some point in the future, become living realities.

We should not look back in consciousness to our problems but continue in faith- believing ourselves to be successful in accomplishing our goals. This is true freedom.


God is your own wonderful human imagination- the potter. The Bible speaks of God symbolically as the potter which means ‘the imagination’ in Hebrew.

Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination

We cannot get hold of truth with the logical mind. The imaginative person does not deny the reality of ‘the sensuous outer world of becoming’, but knows that it is the inner world of continuous imagination that is the force by which the outer world is brought to pass. The outer world and all its happenings are projections of the inner world of imagination. We must firmly come to believe that reality lies within us and not without.

A series of events will mold themselves, across which you will walk, leading up to the fulfilment of the state you wish for.

The conscious state in which you abide determines the kind of world in which you live and your present concept of yourself is currently objectified as your environment. Knowing this, begin to revalue yourself and see yourself as a center of power.

Now awake to the power that you are a faceless, formless awareness and free yourself from your self-imposed prison.


Main Points

1.Turn within

2.Feel ‘I AM’

3.Define your desire

4.Move from ‘thinking of’ to ‘thinking from’


6.Give thanks

7.Feed the mind

8.Live in the end


3- Summary

Live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled

Training the mind

  1. 1. Visualize your desire first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

  1. Carry around the feeling of ‘the wish fulfilled’.

  1. 3. Start the day by imagining how you want it to go. Focus on the positive.

(Excerpt from the book, 'Imagining Creates Reality' by Louise Cowley available on Amazon. )

Mosaic pavement featuring the word 'IMAGINE' at its center, surrounded by a circular pattern of geometric shapes in black and white.
Mosaic pavement featuring the word 'IMAGINE' at its center, surrounded by a circular pattern of geometric shapes in black and white.
A black signboard with large white text that reads 'WE CAN.' and smaller text below that says 'just imagine'. To the right of the sign, a single yellow leaf rests on a stone ledge. In the background, there is a faint reflection of a red car.
A black signboard with large white text that reads 'WE CAN.' and smaller text below that says 'just imagine'. To the right of the sign, a single yellow leaf rests on a stone ledge. In the background, there is a faint reflection of a red car.
A scented candle in a glass jar with the label 'Manifest and Chill' sits on an open book with a textured knit blanket in the background. Sprigs of eucalyptus and small white flowers are placed nearby, along with scattered gold star confetti.
A scented candle in a glass jar with the label 'Manifest and Chill' sits on an open book with a textured knit blanket in the background. Sprigs of eucalyptus and small white flowers are placed nearby, along with scattered gold star confetti.
The phrase 'Imagine Peace' is written in white on a green textured surface.
The phrase 'Imagine Peace' is written in white on a green textured surface.
Pink chalk writing on a concrete pavement reads 'Dream until it's your reality.' The text appears artistic and slightly uneven against the rough texture of the sidewalk.
Pink chalk writing on a concrete pavement reads 'Dream until it's your reality.' The text appears artistic and slightly uneven against the rough texture of the sidewalk.